Here are some web sites that Boo and I have found useful for us.
Caregiver Resources
Catholic Caregivers
Catholic Caregivers, Your Ageing Parent and Friends of St John the Caregiver are good sites that are run by the Dobbs.
Friends of St John the Caregiver You Tube Channel
Friends of St John the Caregiver Facebook Page
Friends of St John You Tube has a few videos dealing with the very basics of care giving. Their facebook page is not very active at the moment, but someone will respond if you ask questions---in a week or two. So, be patient.
Care Living Community
The Care Living Community deals specifically with caring for stroke survivors. This site has an active discussion forum, a live chat line for immediate questions and concerns and a downloadable manual for caregivers, The Care Living Guide.
Heart and Stroke Community Facebook Page
This is currently a very active page by caregivers sharing stories and links that they've found helpful.
Symptom Checker
Mayo Clinic Symptom Checker
This site is not a substitute for medical care, but a way to clarify symptoms so that you can more easily communicate your care receiver's needs.
You have a really nice blog. I care for my mom who is disabled and in the beginning of dementia. Your blog is very helpful. Thank you.