Friday, October 5, 2012

7 Quick Takes

  1. Boo is currently worried about Boudreaux. Winter's coming, you know. Boo has plenty of sweaters. I have plenty of sweaters. He just realized that Boudreaux has NO sweaters. This is a cause for least in his mind. So, I am crocheting a sweater for the cat. A lovely green mock turtleneck sweater. I can't say that Boudreaux is impressed with the whole sweater idea. I foresee a photo op when I finish. After all, it's not every cat that owns a sweater!
  2. We've found a simple cure for Boo's persistent dandruff. Since his second stroke, he's had the worst case of dandruff I've ever seen. We've tried lots of different special shampoos. Our solution: a baking soda and water wash and a cider vinegar and water rinse. For the last two months we've used this and it really seems to work. Who knew something so simple could be the answer?
  3. I'm listening to King Lear from Audible. Generally I like Shakespeare. This particular play is just not my favorite. I keep thinking I'll like it better now than when I was in high school. After all, I am more mature. That's my theory anyway. Maybe I just older and not more mature. Maybe I'll just never really like this play.
  4. Did you listen to the political debate last night? We listened to part of it. Then, Boo got upset because they couldn't agree on anything. (Did he really expect them to agree?) So, the TV was turned off. My friends are on both sides of the political spectrum. I've heard that Romney was awesome and from others, that Obama shone. I just identify the issues most important to me and look at the candidates and at congress. Who do I think will be able to uphold those things that are important to me...either on purpose or by default? Be sure you're registered to vote...and vote your conscience!
  5. Last night I made a lentil vegetable stew. I liked it. Boo thought it would be really good with shrimp and okra added. Oh, and I could leave out the lentils. I guess that makes a shrimp gumbo. Perhaps that's what we'll have tonight. As long as Boo eats, he can criticize all he wants. And rework my recipes. I can handle it.
  6. I've been looking at rag quilts and thinking. I think a rag lap quilt might be just the thing for Boo and Boudreaux this winter. Besides, it looks really easy. I like easy. Boo likes to have his legs covered and the cat firmly believes that he should stay in Boo's lap as much as possible. Maybe a lap quilt would eliminate the cat fur in Boo's lap. I can wish anyway.
  7. This will be a busy week end. I plan to clean, declutter and clean the bedroom again. It's amazing how quickly things accumulate. It's also amazing the things Boudreaux “hides” under the dresser. Things he thinks I can't see. Today, that silly cat got stuck under the dresser. Boo had a fit until I lifted the edge of the dresser to release the poor baby. I found two bracelets, a rosary, an envelope and several socks. A cat and his treasures. It reminds me of my son and all his, Hot Wheels, Legos and worms that he used to leave in his pockets...and that I washed. Memories...
Seven Quick Takes


  1. #1: A cat who needs a sweater? I'm picturing a really irritated cat.

    #4: The League of Women Voters has a feature where you can compare candidates on their site. I recommend it.

    1. #1: Boudreaux was MOST displeased with his sweater! He was like a cat posessed.

      #4: Thanks so much for recommending the League of Women Voters site. The comparison feature is awesome and just what I needed!

  2. I enjoyed reading about your cat, lucky cat to be getting a sweater. Thanks for sharing about the shampoo. Every since I had my stroke, I have been dealing with very bad dandruff. Nothing has worked.

    1. One other thing we've found helpful for dandruff that is worsened by medication is applying 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil to Boo's scalp and massaging it in. Leave it in for 45 minutes to an hour and wash thoroughly wash with baking soda and a little Castile soap or baby shampoo. Rinse with vinegar and water. Hope this helps.
