Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

We are inland from the path of Sandy.  Thank goodness! All we've really experienced is strong winds and cold.  Boo is looking for snow and it almost feels cold enough...especially after the heat this summer.

This past afternoon we did have part of a tree in the front yard break off and fall on the roof over our bedroom.  Boo was absolutely terrified.  Boudreaux had to patrol the living room window for several hours.  As far as we can tell, the roof is OK.  I admittedly haven't climbed up to check nor do I plan to do so. 

We have power and so we're warm and comfortable.  Boo and Boudreaux have been restless all night.  So, we've watched old movies on TV.  No news or weather channel for us.  It's way too upsetting for Boo. 

We continue to pray for those who're in Sandy's direct path. 

Our internet service is sketchy at best right now.  So the posts that I planned for yesterday and today aren't up.  They won't load for some reason.  Maybe tomorrow...

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