Sunday, June 24, 2012


This has been a week of searching for us.  Searching for an old recipe that Boo remembers from childhood, searching for solutions to medical issues for Boo and a relative, searching for lost items, searching for things to calm Boo's restless mind... 

It's good to remember that at the end of all our searching we will find our God.  Our God who is constantly drawing us to Him.  Our ultimate treasure.

Scripture and a Snapshot, The Sunday Community, Fresh Brewed Sundays, Spiritual Sundays


  1. I am new to your blog, visiting from Scripture and a snapshot. May God bless you with peace and grace through your days of searching!

  2. I'm visiting from Fresh Brewed Sundays. Your post reminds me of the verse, "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him when He is near." It is comforting to know that He is never far away and that we can call upon Him at all times.

    God bless you,

    1. That scripture I'd forgotten about. All week I've felt like singing an old scripture song we sang around campfires many years ago---"Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and ye ahall find. Knock and the door shall be openned unto you..."

  3. What a super Kool photo ... we just keep seeking out the lost in glory & honor to HIM.

    1. That is a SUPER old photo of me at seventeen months old when I first began to climb.

  4. Yes, He is the ultimate treasure. No matter what is happening to our bodies and minds, that is "life"... but our spirits can live with Him forever and ever. [And I can say that now while I'm walking through tough physical stuff; before that, it might just have been a casual comment.]

  5. Dropping in from The Sunday Community . . . and love that photo and the words "seek and you shall find." I'm sure in your journey you do a lot of seeking and hopefully finding. My prayers are with the two of you as you experience a new way of life. Good to know that God is with you through it all.

    1. It is good to know that God is with us through everything. I couldn't make it otherwise.

  6. I am so thankful for a God who wants to be found by those who seek Him. Even when I feel Him far away, I press on to find Him. Thanks for linking up to Freshly Brewed Sundays!
