Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Snippets: Under Our Lady's Shadow

My blessings are hemmed in by frustration. I just noticed that. Am I so busy that I simply don't notice the blessings surrounding me until frustration stops me? I strongly suspect that's the case. Lately, in my eagerness to get things done, I easily lose sight of the truly important. Those things that aren't things at all. And in all my rushing around I accomplish less. That's an important lesson and one that I'm learning all too slowly.

Case in point: This morning I pulled up the daily Mass on EWTN's website, settled Boo and myself on the comfortable sofa to participate through the internet. I mean, if we can't attend a local Mass because of Boo's health problems, then we can at least participate this way. We have many times before and have been richly blessed by it.

Not today. Today life intervened and Boo needed attention and comfort. He couldn't concentrate on the Mass because his mind was too restless and wandering. He was filled with anxiety about the strange paths his mind was taking and unable to differentiate the past from the present and reality from fantasy. A very scary place to be indeed.

Then...a “commercial” (maybe a short meditation?) came on. I'm pretty sure I bumped the laptop and hit a button. I don't think it was scheduled in the middle of the Mass. An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared on the screen. Boo quieted and watched and listened.

Hear and let it penetrate into your heart, my little son; let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you. Let nothing alter your heart or your countenance. Also do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else that you need?”

In awe, Boo looked at me. “She's talking to me. She understands and she's taking care of us.”

I wish I could say that Boo relaxed and that his mind quit it's mad racing. But that's not what happened. He's still confused and uneasy. Today is still a struggle. However, in the midst of this day's struggle, we have been given a message of motherly comfort just when we most needed it.

Sunday Snippets, Catholic Bloggers Network, Sabbath Moments


  1. This quote from OLG is also one of my favorites. God bless you and Boo. Physical and mental difficulties are so tough to handle.

    1. As a recent convert, there is so much that I don't know. I know pitifully little about OL of Guadalupe, but this particulat quote at this particular time was pure grace. I do plan to search out some books and learn more.

  2. Is there a priest who can come and bring you the Eucharist?

    1. There is a Eucharistic minister who brings communion weekly, but she's been out of town for three weeks. Boo usually looks forward to Wednesdays when she comes.

  3. I am amazed by the number of grace filled moments we have. I just need to be aware and calm to really notice them.
