Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Boo's Current Ten Favorite Foods

Providing Boo with a well-balanced diet has been difficult lately. Some days he's very interested in food. Other days, he'll eat if bribed. On rare occasions he'll only eat if I feed him. This past week I had a cold and felt miserable. I concentrated on fixing his favorites and making them as nutritious as possible. Next month, his favorites will probably change.



Boo has eaten three cantaloupe by himself this past week. He eats it cubed as a snack. For a light lunch or breakfast, I freeze cantaloupe cubes and blend them with plain yogurt, vanilla soy protein powder, some Splenda, a teaspoon of ground flax seeds and a few ice cubes.



Carrots he'll eat in any way, shape or form. Steamed seems to be his favorite. Because I was trying to increase my fluid intake this past week, I made a quart of carrot, cucumber yogurt soup. I put it in the fridge to chill and went back three hours later to fix some for myself. Boo had eaten it all. I guess he likes it.


Graham Crackers

Boo loves graham crackers and milk. I usually make them from scratch so that they're made from all whole wheat flour and Splenda. If he'll eat peanut butter on them along with the milk, that's a complete protein.



I make homemade hummus from white beans, spices and a little yogurt. Boo will eat a cup of it at once with celery and carrot sticks, broccoli and cauliflower florets and crackers. For some reason, I haven't found a manufactured hummus that he likes. Some he says are too salty. Others too bland.



This is another food that Boo will eat in any form. Fresh spinach with a diced boiled egg, a crumbled piece of bacon, diced tomatoes and Ranch dressing is a favorite. He also likes spinach and cheese omelets, sauteed spinach, mushrooms and garlic and just plain steamed spinach.


Roast Beef

Boo likes roast beef for breakfast, lunch and supper. I add carrots, potatoes, celery, onions, bell peppers and sometimes parsnips to the roast. Boo does like to supervise the preparation of the roast. He'll tell me which spices he wants, whether to rub them on or just sprinkle (Who knew it could make a difference?) and what veggies to add. If he participates in the preparation, he's more likely to actually eat.



Actually, he'd rather have craw fish, but that's not available here. Boo will arrange whiting filets with lemon and lime slices, sprigs of rosemary and olive oil to bake. He seems to like that. I make a chowder with whiting that he'll usually eat too. (Last month his favorite fish was catfish. This month he won't touch it. Go figure...)


Cinnamon Chex

For years, he's liked Cheerios. Now, it's Cinnamon Chex. He also prefers rice milk with his cereal. If I've had time to make it, he's in luck. Otherwise, he gets skim milk.



Beignets are a rare treat. I haven't found any way to make them nutritious, but they are good. What's not to like about fried dough and powdered sugar? Well, in Boo's case, empty calories and potential blood sugar spikes. Still, once in a while, I make them. Sunday was beignet day and Boo was thrilled!



Definitely Boo's absolute favorite when his appetite is off. Boo will not touch instant oatmeal. He really likes old fashioned oats any way they are fixed. Cinnamon and apple, cranberry and orange, pecan with maple flavoring, whatever I throw together. In fact, at the small community hospital in Anson county, he told the dietitian how to fix his oatmeal---and he had oatmeal just the way he liked it every morning that he was there!

Please check out other Top Ten Tuesday entries and consider sharing one also.


  1. i've found that trader joe's does a pretty good job with hummus.

    seriously, oatmeal made from scratch beats instant oatmeal any day.

  2. In Belgium we make our beignets with apples in them. Take off the apple skin, take out the core and makes slices of about 0.5cm. They should look like big fat rings. Then dip them in the batter and deep fry.
